Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Abundant Grace Church in Fort Scott, KS is a part of a world-wide family of churches called Newfrontiers. Beginning Thursday February 25 the leaders of churches across the US, Mexico and Canada will be gathering in St. Louis for Equipped for Mission.

This year we are taking 11 leaders and wives to this conference for refreshing times of worship, encouraging and challenging teaching and just a heck of a good time with our extended family. I am incredibly excited about this trip. I am excited because of the fun I am going to have, but I am also pumped about the impact being with other leaders is going to have on those going and the long-range impact on our mission to Fort Scott, Bourbon County and the world.

Another aspect of this conference that will make a big difference is that we will be bringing John and Flor Evans from Guadalajara, MX. I am full of expectation about what they are going to impart to us as a church. I am also anticipating we will impart somethings to them.

On Sunday evening we will be praying at 5. John and Flor will join us and we can spend some extended time praying for their new adventures in church planting in Rio.

What a great family we have! Want to learn more? click on Newfrontiers or NewfrontiersUSA

Wednesday, February 17, 2010


Often when I feel uncertain and threatened, I put myself in a position of defense of putting my back against the wall. I figure if something is threatening my security I want to see it and be able to face it. If I am with a group of people we might all put our backs together each facing outward to defend each other. But what if there were a different position to take? What if our focus was shifted to someone who was greater and could effectively deal with our enemies?

The Old Testament sometimes challenges us in unexpected ways. I was reading this morning in the book of Numbers. It begins the story of Israel's conquest two years after being set free from slavery to Egypt. In chapter 2 God commands the people to arrange themselves around the tabernacle, the place of God's presence. They are going into unknown territory and there will be opposition so I assumed that they would be arranged with their focus outward toward the potential dangers. God commands them this way, "They shall camp facing the tent of meeting on every side."

This is amazing. God is taking His people whom He loves into dangerous and unknown territory (from our perspective) and commanding them to face Him, not their dangers. Why? The greatest danger is not the enemy outside. The greatest danger is forgetting God; letting other things occupy our focus than Him.

What dangers are you facing? What worries occupy your mind? Rather than trying to face them in your own strength, you should face God and worship Him. The wonderful news is that because of Jesus, we don't need an external temple. God has chosen, by His Spirit, to be with us in every circumstance of life. Re-orient your life toward Jesus. He is your strength and protection.